Sorrel SM Thoroughbred

Sorrel SM Thoroughbred


painted by Jody Jones [Begin Again Studio]
The Seunta Guild — Seunta LLC

Breyer Stablemate
Hand painted

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Jody Jones

Begin Again Studio

Hi! My name is Jody and I have been a Breyer model collector and hobbyist since 1965. I began painting and customizing back in about 2005 after I had retired from my 40 year career as a horse and dog trainer and I had moved into my elderly parents home to care for them in their declining years. During that time I began dabbling in custom models. I had always sketched and painted in flat work, so model painting fit smoothly into my hobby addiction! I didn't open my studio and website to the public until 2017 though. Now I am a full time model painter and love every minute spent in my studio. I paint Artist Resins and Plastics for resale and do Commissions and Portrait models as well. Thank you for considering my work!